Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Authority: Saudi Food and Drug Administration (SFDA)

Request Source: Regulation

Data Carrier: GS1 Data Matrix

Detail: Saudi Arabia started its serialization works in 2015, and it has been put into practice in the following years. With the decision taken on January 7, 2019, supply chain actors were requested to register on the SAP Portal. Although the start of the aggregation application has been delayed due to the pandemic and other conditions, today SFDA demands that the aggregation requirements be met along with the serialization. While Saudi Arabia uses GS1 datamatix for barcoding at the serialization stage, it states that SSCC or sGTIN can be used at the aggregation level.

  • GTIN
  • Batch/Lot
  • Expiry Date
  • Serial Number
  • GLN for Local Factories and Warehouses


Saudi Arabia Regulations

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