Republic of Azerbaijan


Authority: Analytical Expertise Center – Azerbaijan Ministry of Health

Request Source: Regulation

Data Carrier: GS1 Data Matrix (Crypto Code)

As of January 2024, a system called the “Drug Tracking and Monitoring System” (DTMS) will be implemented for real-time monitoring throughout the entire process from pharmaceutical production and importation to reaching the consumers. In the initial phase, psychotropic and highly effective drugs will be monitored in real-time starting from June 1, 2024, followed by other medications. The monitoring will take place at domestic manufacturing facilities, wholesale pharmaceutical organizations, medical institutions, and pharmacies.

  • GTIN
  • Serial Number
  • Expiration Date
  • Batch/Lot Number

For the current moment, the main involved participants are:

  • All domestic manufacturers
  • Wholesale pharmaceutical enterprises
  • Medical institutions
  • Pharmacies


Azerbaijan Regulations

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